Click on button below for report. RATING REPORT Click on button below for newsletters. NEWSLETTERS TBNThe Triggs Broadcast Network airs daily at 9am. The broadcast is delivered by Triggs Elementary School students. You can watch this broadcast by clicking on the link above. Medical Emergency Video Policy 5139 (English) Policy 5139 (Spanish) Powered By EmbedPress Plan of Operation 2024-2025 Budget 2025-2026 Budget Triggs Roadmap: School Performance Plan Status Tracker: SY 22-23 Status Tracker: SY 23-24 Status Tracker: SY 24-25 CCSD Approved Snacks for birthdays and celebrations. Register for the 2024-2025 School Year. For assistance email If you witness or are a victim of any act of bullying you can report it by clicking the picture and then clicking on Safe Voice. be-kind_origimg-1521_origimg-1964_origimg-2434_origimg-2445_origimg-5315_origteachercollaboration_origsisolak-tbn_orig